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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14-Picture a Canvas

April 13-A whole new point of view

Looking at the intensity of that stare makes me wonder what is she really thinking? Do she process thoughts as I do, or does she simply look out the window and see the yard in which she runs? Does she wish she were free to explore beyond the confinements of the fenced in territory, or does the enclosure offer her security? I wonder...

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12-Awakening

This tender bud appears to be fragile, but in reality it's strength and willpower are enormous. It has the strength to withstand violent winds, torrential rain and unrelenting sun as well as the willpower to spread it's roots within the fresh soil to sustain itself. Did you ever realilze such determination was embodied in a small sprouting bud?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11-Heart Shaped World

Searching for hearts in my everyday life was a bust, but today at my house we did do something that displays our love. Bathing our three pups, after long weeks of winter type weather, is love defined. Even though the bright sun is shining, the wind is cool, so we made sure our babies were warm by tapping into the kitchen facet. Love at it's Best.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10-Serene Moments

To me these flowers are more than mere beauty, through them I will experience serenity amd peace. Every year when we plant flowers they symbolize a peaceful retreat in my own backyard where I allow my mind to carelessly flit from thought to thought all the while not really concentrating on anything other than quenching the thirst of the dry soil where their roots are intertwined. Carefree evenings are within my grasp.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Something Strewn About

After early morning thunderstorms this is what we woke to. One would have thought a dump truck came down our street leaving all this pollen strewn about. Sadly enough, I'm allergic to oak pollen, which is exactly what all that white powder is.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8-The sparkle of Spring

Capturing droplets of water reflected by the sun to create a sparkle is the prompt for the day. How many photographers would look to a hose over a fence, or sprinklers in the yard. I tried to rise above the normal thoughts and came up with droplets on our plants right outside our back door.

April 7-A Pastel Pallet

Pastels? Not in my selection of color splashes to play with. When I read this prompt my mind began immediately racing trying to think of some way to capture these softer colors. As my girl walked by I caught a glimpse of pastels, the perfect shot.

April 6-A fresh face

I don't know about you, but I'm not too keen on taking self portraits which is exactly what the prompt for today was. I took so many photos trying to capture the perfect shot; are you kidding me?!? I played around with this shot in Photoshop so I would be more accepting of it. Nobody's perfect right?

April 5-Getting Grounded

How many photographers let go of their creative rein long enough to think of simply placing your camera on the ground and snapping a photo? That is exactly what I did for this prompt and what a great photo of my girl Jazi was originated from this crazy idea.

April 4-The sky is the limit

Looking up at the sky is what most photographers would have done for this prompt, but I tried to be creative with my interpretation. I stood under our navel orange tree in our backyard and shot my photos.

April 3- Step Out into Spring

Today's prompt instructions were to take 30 steps (indoors and out) and snap photos representative of Spring. My 30 steps led me into our backyard toward weeds growing rampant. What type of weed this is, I'm not sure, but it sure is pretty. I love the vibrant color of the flowers as well as the beauty it brings to the greenry of the lawn. Can this really be just a weed?

April 2-Good Morning Sunshine!

Morning is my favorite time of the day. It's a time for new opportunities and ideas to be explored. This is the "quiet" time I allot for myself before the chaos, which is my day, begins. I always awaken to fresh brewed coffee, my favorite mug, and a few morsels of cereal.

April 1-Beginnings

Living in the deep south, apparent visual representations of Spring are limited, so we create our own beginnings. My husband enjoys fresh ingredients for his dishes which led into growing his own vegetables. This year's green marvels of nature are seen in the sprouting of the small tomato on this vine.
This month I am taking Picture Spring, a class offered at Big Picture Scrapbooking. My everyday photos are inspired by the daily prompts.
Since this is a new blog, I will be posting the first week's photos today but thereafter I'm hoping I'll be inspired to post every day.

Follow along all month to see my interpretation through my lens.